Chimaltenango Introducing a New Partner: Tonajuyú We would like to welcome a new community to our network of partner communities: Tonajuyú. This is the first community that we have partnered with 06/23/2022
Comalapa What’s New in 2022 At ABPD we have a start to 2022 full of activities, which we are fortunate to be able to carry out in the communities in 01/13/2022
Tecpan Fighting Childhood Malnutrition in Tecpán and Comalapa The fight against childhood malnutrition continues in the municipalities of Tecpán and Comalapa. In the community of Xecoxol improved cookstoves are being installed not only 07/29/2021
Comalapa Cookstoves in Cojol Juyú A few weeks ago the materials needed for the construction of efficient cookstoves were delivered to the community of Cojol Juyú and now we can 06/16/2021