We organize our work around one overarching objective: to reduce chronic childhood malnutrition in Mayan communities.
ALDEA (Advancing Local Development through Empowerment and Action) and and our Guatemalan partner organization, ABPD (Asociación BPD – Bienestar, Progreso, Desarrollo) are working together to address the principal needs of rural, predominantly Mayan communities in the Department of Chimaltenango in Guatemala. ALDEA is a 501(c)(3) organization based in the U.S. and focuses on advocacy, education, fund development, and board-level oversight of our work in the communities. On the ground in Guatemala, ABPD has a largely indigenous staff that implements our work of empowering rural villages to address the devastating effects of poverty and disadvantage. ABPD participates in fund development and its governing body shares the board-level oversight of our work in Guatemala.