ALDEA Advisors
For some time, ALDEA leadership considered forming a group of interested former board members and committed donors to help in achieve our mission and goals. A select ALDEA Advisors group came to fruition in October of 2020. The advisors bring a wealth of experience to their roles promoting ALDEA, providing additional perspectives and skills on selected topics and projects, and expanding fundraising potential. The current ALDEA Advisors are Ana Clark Chowdhury, Bonnie Rist, Dale Gatz, R. Elaine Hanson, Jacqueline Woodle, Kathy Moore, Marco Baisch, Martin Rist, Patricia Krause, Paul Chan, Zoe Kopp, Susan Ruland, Sonya Fultz, Brook Feerick, Diane Sklar, Cindy Swatek and Barbara Yost.