Last month we placed the cornerstone of the potable water system in Xecoxol, Tecpán, marking the beginning of an important project that will greatly improve the health of the families of the community. Now, almost a month into the project, the builders continue to make progress. The community’s commitment to a healthier future is truly evident in the monumental effort they are making and long hours they are putting in to make this dream a reality. They provide workers to support the construction process, guided by an expert mason, leading the project. We began working in Xecoxol a year ago, providing health ad nutrition workshops. Today, we have expanded our interventions to include key infrastructure projects to compliment the training activities that continue to be carried out. These have included the installation of latrines and improved cookstoves, and now, the construction of a potable water system. All these projects are designed to improve the health and hygiene of families in the community. We would like to extend our thanks to all those who make this work possible, partner community members, staff, and donors alike!