As an organization committed to supporting communities in building their capacity to overcome existing obstacles and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges, we strive to offer comprehensive, integrative programming that appropriately and adequately addresses the needs of our partner communities. A large part of our programming consists of infrastructure projects, such as building potable water systems, installing gray-water filters, improved cook stoves and latrines, and providing dairy goats and starter plants and materials for family gardens. These aspects of our programming are key to our success and are the most visible and easily quantifiable in terms of impact. However, the many training courses we facilitate that partner communities participate in are arguably the most important aspect of our integrative program. Trainings and workshops equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to maintain the infrastructure built as a part of our program, to leverage their individual and community capacity to handle more complex problems facing our partners. ALDEA/ABPD training courses aim to aid our partner communities in accessing the tools necessary to lead their families and neighbors towards a more abundant and equitable future for all once our program cycle has finished and we have moved on to other communities. In this way, communities strengthen resiliency rather than build dependence, keeping them at the wheel and determining their own path.