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Chijacinto, Tecpán

Chijacinto is a village of 80 families, or approximately 504 people. The community was founded in 1893 by 6 families. It is located 22.5 miles


Vista Hermosa

Community Life: Vista Hermosa is located 22 miles from the municipal seat of Tecpán, Chimaltenango, and is made up of 65 families. “Vista Hermosa” means


San Vicente

Community Life:  San Vicente is a village located 10 miles from the municipal seat of Tecpán, with a population of 87 families. It was founded


Xecoxol, Tecpán

Located 11 miles from the municipal seat in the northern part of Tecpán, Xecoxol was founded around 1920 and is home to 415 families. The


Palima, Tecpán

Palima was founded around 1960 and currently is home to 90 families. The community is located 16 miles from the municipal seat in the northern


Palamá, Tecpán

Located in the northern part of Tecpán, Palamá is a relatively large community with a population of 1,752 people. It was founded in 1908 and


Chajalajyá, Tecpán

The name “Chajalajyá” means “fall of thin ice” in the Kaqchikel language, because it is in a cold area and frosts were common in the


Xiquin Juyú, Tecpán

In the Kaqchikel language, “Xiquin Juyú” means “at the edge of the hill.” The community is located about 4.5 miles east of the municipal seat


Chuachalí, Tecpán

Chuachalí is a village of 75 families, or approximately 488 people. The community was founded in 1926 by just a few families. It is located