In Guatemala, inadequate sanitation poses significant health risks, with diarrheal diseases and mosquito-borne illnesses stemming from poor waste management. To address these challenges, ALDEA has integrated gray water filters into our water and sanitation infrastructure program. These filters are designed to treat wastewater generated from daily activities like bathing, laundry, and dish washing, helping to prevent environmental contamination and reduce the spread of diseases.
Our gray water filters operate through a multi-stage process. Wastewater first flows from a pila (wash basin) into a caja de registro (collection box), where larger particles settle out. It then moves to a trampa de grasa (grease trap) that captures fats and oils. Finally, the filtered water empties into a pozo de absorción (absorption well), allowing for safe disposal. This innovative system not only cleans the water but also minimizes the environmental impact of wastewater, fostering healthier and more resilient communities in rural Guatemala.