Community Life:
- San Vicente is a village located 10 miles from the municipal seat of Tecpán, with a population of 87 families.
- It was founded 30 years ago and was named “San Vicente” in honor of San Vicente de Paul.
- The primary income activity in the village is the production of corn and beans, and people also grow potatoes and sweet peas. Another important income activity is laboring in farms around the community, where workers earn an average of Q35 a day (approx. $4).
- There is school in the village serving pre-school to sixth grade students.
- 95 percent of the population is Catholic and 5 percent is evangelical.
- There is a health post in the village where people can receive basic health services twice a week.
- 80 percent of the families have access to electricity, so the remaining 20 percent still have to use candles during the nights.
- All the roads to and around the community are dirt.
Our partnership:
We partnered with San Vicente from July of 2017 through June of 2019 to complete the following programs:
- Community Mobilization and Empowerment: Complete
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene: In Progress. Installation of sanitary latrines, gray water filters, and efficient cook stoves began in December 2017 and was completed in May 2018. Construction of the potable water system, including ABPD/ALDEA’s first-ever solar-powered water pump, was completed in February 2019.
- Nutrition: Complete
- Food Security (Sustainable Agriculture): Complete
- Family Planning: Complete
- Disaster Risk Reduction: Complete
See more about how we work in our partner communities