Community Life:
- The village is located almost 2.5 miles from the county seat of Santa Apolonia. It is made up of 80 families.
- 60 percent of the population is Catholic and 40 percent is evangelical.
- 70 percent of the population are non-indigenous and 30 percent are indigenous.
- There’s a primary school, which offers education from pre-school through sixth grade.
- Cojulya’s name means “between waters.”
- For medical services, people need to travel to Tecpán, using public transportation which is available every day.
- The community has had electric service for 20 years.
- The families from Cojulyá are mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture, producing corn and beans for their own consumption, without a surplus that they can sell.
Integrated Approach to Development:
We began our partnership with Cojulyá in July 2016, and in June 2018 they completed our programs, including:
- Community Mobilization and Empowerment: Complete
- Nutrition: Complete
- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene: Complete
- Food Security (Sustainable Agriculture): Complete
- Family Planning: Complete
- Disaster Risk Reduction: Complete